these days....

The wet season has most definitely arrived. We have had almost 2 weeks now of continuous rain. And it's great! Our rainwater tanks are overflowing, we have been having long showers and big baths, and doing tons of laundry. But there is only so much you can do with a 3 year old cramped up in a 4m x 8m cabin! 

Naturally there is a lot of getting out amongst it, as we still have the guinea fowl and chickens to attend to and there always seem to be so many more jobs to do when preparing for a lot of rain.  Plenty of drain digging in the rain and rigging up last minute tarp coverage over the fowls, trying to keep everyone dry.

So trying to keep the little ones hands busy has been a real creative motivator. Here is a little of what has been filling our days.

::  We finally made our first batch of homemade and home grown organic grape jam (full post and recipe to come).

::  Shared said jam with friends over some hot buckwheat pancakes. Yum!

::  Played lots of music and put on many impromptu performances (the little one that is).

::  Read many, many books.

::  Built cities in the living room.

::  Made a cardboard robot (complete with genitals).

::  Built forts in the bedroom.... for hiding in.

::  Wrestled with the dog and played chase around the house. A lot!

::  Ventured into the rain to swim in the creek... while it is full of water.

::  Lots of drawing.

::  And lots of tea drinking.

1 comment:

  1. Pre children I always loved rainy weather, snuggling under blankets and reading etc!! But how that has changed now!! We also live in a small space and have to be very creative to keep kiddies occupied. I have cleared out our garage to make a bigger playspace and now there is much more room for art, building and noise!! I'm glad your tanks are full to the brim though, always a good start to the year!! x shara
